March 2, 2011

Jack Sparrow

Attending a wedding luncheon at the Victory Hotel at Sellicks Hill a few weeks ago it was 42degrees. High under a tin roof sparrow nestlings were literally jumping from their nest to avoid cooking to death. Only 1 with a few tiny feathers survived the fall to the concrete 5 meters below. The hotel staff when approached offered to 'ring his neck'. I took the tiny fledgeling home and called him Jack after the Pirate Jack Sparrow of  movie fame. With advice from the fauna rescue service I raised him. His house was  a fluffy bed sock and I hand fed him hourly by syringe and a cut straw spoon. A few weeks later and he's feeding himself, flying and ready to be released back at the Victory next week. Sparrows can live for 15 years and are very sociable and gregarious and because they are not territorial there's a good chance Jack will be accepted back into his family flock. I'm going to ask Doug the owner if I can put a feeder up for the first few weeks, maybe a small nesting box away from the tin roof and a laminated note to introduce Jack to the patrons. So if you're at the Victory Hotel out in the garden and a little sparrow lands on your shoulder and starts tweeting in your ear, say hello to little Jack for me and be sure to leave him some crumbs.

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