February 20, 2011

The Warriparinga Pelicans

As I recall it, Jo, Tav and I headed down to Warriparinga wetlands to feed the ducks.   We had been there before, and the variety of bird life there was fantastic.

That morning, we began to feed the ducks and noticed the new ducklings beginning to feed as well.  In the distance, about six pelicans were making their way across the pond towards the commotion of the ducks we were feeding.  We were feeding close to 50 ducks on the banks of the pond, trying to favour the ducklings who were competing with the adult ducks. 

The pelicans swam closer, and as they merged on the group of feeding ducks, what took place next has stayed with me till this very day.

In one swift gulp, the first pelicans bill filled with water, as well as a duckling!  Water spilled out of his bill, and the duckling inside was wiggled down his throat.  The other pelicans struck, in a strategic operation where the targets were the baby ducklings, not our bread.

I had to distract my son, as my wife and I watched 4 ducklings go down.  Because this was happening in the water, we could only watch as the mother and her ducklings swam erratically to dodge the pelican bills.  The commotion of the other ducks alarming the attack was quite loud.  The sight of the pelicans bill with a massive volume of water draining from it to reveal the duckling inside, and then to squeeze it whole down it’s throat live was quite terrifying, but awesome at the same time.

My son doesn’t recall this event (luckily), but my wife and I will never forget it.

Of course, when I checked this out on the internet when I got home, it all turned out to be a  quite common occurrence in nature, where ducklings are on the menu for pelicans quite regularly.
Ian Mackenzie

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