Your story will be published on the Flocked blog ( and is a valued element of this participatory project.
*Please be aware that all contributions will remain copyright of the contributor
*Please indicate below if you would like your name, age and location published, or to remain anonymous. If you are younger than 18 years and would like your name, age and location published, a parent or guardian must give permission.
*Please respect the privacy and property of others when writing your story. Contributions may be minimally moderated for privacy or legibility purposes, and respondents may request the removal of submissions at any time (please email if you wish to do so).
*As this is an evolving project, please understand that by submitting a contribution you are giving permission for the possibility of it being shown in other contexts beyond the stated blog for the purpose of ‘Flocked’; such as in print to accompany the final exhibition at SA Museum, or for the purpose of communicating the project to a wider audience.
Thank you for your contribution.